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Holiday Lights Tour 2023

Looking for a way to get in the SPIRIT of the season? We’ve got the perfect thing to bring back nostalgic memories and it doesn’t even require dodging crowds at a public event!

Uncorked Wine Tours is offering a Holiday Lights Tour this Christmas season and it’s everything you remember from your childhood - only BETTER! How? Well, no one in your group has to drive, you can bring your hot toddy (or hot chocolate!) with you, and you’ll be riding in style in a limo bus!

For 1.5 hours, tour the most festive neighborhoods in wine country and check out their twinkling light displays and oversized blow up Santas, reindeers, gingerbread men, and more! You’ll see giant trees dazzling in the night and decked out Victorian homes that look like they’re plucked from the North Pole!

Book your Holiday Lights Tour from December 1st-December 24th!


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Uncorked Wine Tours

Site by Landon Collective

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Paso Robles, California


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